air conditioner

Controlling Humidity in Multi-Family Housing for Health, Comfort and Property Protection
Controlling humidity in multi-family housing units is a continual challenge as most building owners, architects, engineers, property managers, and even tenants can attest. Guarding against…

Fight Fall Allergies
Santa Fe LOOKING FOR A CONTRACTOR IN YOUR AREA OR NEED MORE INFORMATION? When the leaves start to fall and the air cools, a host…

Mold Awareness Month
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes September as National Mold Awareness Month. This month is designed to inform, educate and raise awareness about the adverse health effects…

Guest Blog: New Home Builders Care about Moisture
Energy-efficient homes are very airtight By Dan Welklin Precision Comfort Systems in Westfield, Indiana designs and installs the Comfort Systems for some of the finest…

Air Conditioning Alphabet – Sensible and Latent Cooling
Sensible cooling and latent cooling are, at best, confusing terms. At worst they’re useless. Air conditioners do both, so we always talk about the sensible…

Matt Risinger – The Science of Comfort & Ultra-Aire’s New SD-12 Dehumidifier
Matt Risinger is a good friend of ours in Austin, TX. He has been a builder for almost 20 years and has been blogging about…

Teddy Bear Rules: Keep the HVAC Simple & Add a Dehumidifier
1. Keep your heating and cooling system simple. All you need for HVAC is a small gas furnace, a mid SEER a/c, and a whole…

Clearing the Air with Teddy Bear: What Makes a House Wet?
Ever wonder what is making our house wet? Ken Gehring, better known as Teddy Bear on, invented the Ultra-Aire whole house ventilating dehumidifier in…

The Need for Ventilation and Dehumidification in a Spray Foam House The need for fresh air in a home is nothing new. Ever since man has brought fire inside we have recognized the need for…

New A/C and Seeing Mold On Registers – Help!
“I need some help! I live in Southwest Florida, the home is 2300 sq ft, concrete block construction, built in 1997 as a built smart…